Optimise your recruitment process due to proactive candidate search?

The PRO PACK module contains:

The SELECT PACK module, with:
  • Interview with one of our consultants for the determination of your needs and the corresponding candidate profile. Deeper analysis of the environment (team, company, activity sector, context of the recruitment).
  • Elaboration and creation of a job offer for the publication of a job advert on communication media.
  • Recommendation concerning administrative obligations when declaring open positions.
  • Communication of the job offer towards national and regional job agencies (job agencies from Luxembourg, Germany, France and Belgium).
  • Publication of the job advert on our internet site.
  • Definition of a media plan : recommendation concerning the selection of media, internet or written press depending on the activity sector and on the job profile.
  • Publication of the job advert during 1 month on job sites of general interest (jobs.lu, monster.lu), or depending on your needs on specialised media. 
  • Publication of the job offer under the label “Expert Resource Recruitment Services”: Applications of candidates will be addressed directly to “Expert Resource” (as option it is possible to show the identity of the employer).
  • Reception of CVs, acknowledgment slip to candidates.
  • Selection of received CVs: transfer applications corresponding to the job profile to the employer.
  • Management of selected and unselected CVs:
     - Réception et gestion des relances des candidats en attente d’une réponse.
     - Gestion des candidatures rejetées (réponses négatives envoyées aux candidats)

     PLUS the following services:
  • Proactive search of candidates in generalised CV databases, or depending on your needs in specialised CV databases and in the database of Expert Resource Recruitment Service.

  • Contact target candidates from database research by Email and inform them about a job offer that corresponds to their profile.

  • Send to the employer the CVs that were kept back from CV databases.

Price information : please contact us